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MORPOWER starter for the large gas engine RC airplane - This starter can start any engine smaller than 300 cc - AVVIATORE JUMBO PER MOTORI FINO A 300cc



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€ 399,00


MORPOWER starter for the large gas engine RC airplane - This starter can start any engine smaller than 300 cc

After a long time of research and experience accumulation, we have created a starter for the large gas engine RC airplane.ᅠ This starter can start any engine smaller than 300 cc, and make the whole RC plane hobby fun and safe.
Anyone with RC plane experience would know that, the propeller of the RC plane is very dangerous.ᅠ Without the assistance of an engine starter, spinning the propeller by hand is almost unavoidable to hand injury, of which we believe than many have heard of the similar stories of fellow hobbyists.ᅠ Now with the aid of the large size engine starter, be afraid no more.
Even with the most excellent designed and built engine, sometimes it would fail to start.ᅠ With the aid of large size engine starter, one can start the engine in a second.ᅠ If the starter can't start the engine after a few seconds, one can check on the details of all engine parts immediately, instead of hand starting the engine for half hour and check the system afterward...
Here are the specifications of the MORPOWER large RC plane engine starter:
weight:ᅠ7 Kg.
maximum current:ᅠ350A
maximum power:ᅠ4KW
reversible rubber cup for both large and small size spinners.

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