X3 Models resterà chiusa per ferie estive dal 10 al 22 Agosto compreso.
Tutti gli ordini pervenuti verranno lavorati in ordine cronologico e nel minor tempo possibile a partire da lunedì 24 Agosto.





€ 29,90



Aeropoxy -
Aerospace Grade

The ever increasing aerodynamic stresses we expect our models to endure means its time for an aerospace grade adhesive product and AeroPoxy is it. AeroPoxy is a thixotropic, slow cure, aerospace grade, 2-part epoxy system. It is the strongest and best gripping adhesive we have found.

AeroPoxy is thixotropic - that means that it stays where you put it. It won't run down and puddle at the bottom of your fuselage. AeroPoxy is white - a great color for glue. You can see how much you have applied and it will cover easily with paint. AeroPoxy can be sanded, although you would rarely get it on an outside surface. What AeroPoxy won't do easily is chip off. If you've been a bit messy with it, wipe the excess off before it cures.

AeroPoxy's holding strength to composites such as fiberglass and carbon fiber is due to its formulation and long cure time. We have learned to schedule major gluing sessions at day's end to allow an overnight set. You can tack glue with Zap-a-Gap and apply AeroPoxy when you have time to set the assembly aside. It is still best to glue molded nylon (carbon or glass filled) parts such as hatch latches or door hinges to fiberglass with Zap-a-Gap and then apply AeroPoxy to the perimeter of the part to form a mechanical "trap."

  • Aeropoxy is white, Vpoxy is clear
  • Aeropoxy is totally thixotropic - i.e. it will not run or sag. Vpoxy is slightly less thixotropic - thus it may penetrate some materials better.
  • Aeropoxy initial setup time is about 3 hours at 75ᄚF. Vpoxy initial setup time is about 1 hour at 75ᄚF.
  • Technical data on the strength properties of both glues render them about the same.
  • Aeropoxy and/or Vpoxy are Aerospace grade adhesives and the strongest epoxy based glues available to the modeler.
© 2025 X3 IMPORT S.r.l. Unipersonale