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GeeBee R Racer KIT 1:32



Ultimo pezzo in magazzino

€ 65,00


GeeBee R Racer KIT 1:32

In Spring of 1932, the Granville Brothers Aircraft company, in an amazing feat of engineering, took an order for 2 aircraft from design to test flight in 6 months! The airframe provided for the Model R-1, #11, to compete specifically in pylon racing, had a more powerful engine, and the Model R-2, #7, to compete in distance racing had less power and more fuel. 
The Model R was truly a design engineered around an engine to provide the least drag, and highest speed possible, and was well liked by the few pilots having the chance to fly it- including the famous Jimmy Doolittle who set a speed record that held for nearly 4 years in the Golden Age of Aviation where change, and record breaking, was a constant occurrence!
Alas, the Great Depression, and some hard luck crashes, made these aircraft the last to carry the famous name “Gee Bee”.

Approximate Model  Dimensions:
Wingspan: 9-1/4” (235mm)
Length: 6-5/8” (168mm)

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