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CARSON - RC-Boot Nano SOTTOMARINO XS Deep-Sea Dragon 100% RTR (orange)



Non disponibile

€ 39,90


RC-Boot Nano SOTTOMARINO XS Deep-Sea Dragon 100% RTR (orange)

RC Mini Submarine for underwater captains

The nippy CARSON RC Mini Submarine XS Deep Sea Dragon comes 100% fully equipped. Just a quick charge and it's ready to make its first dive. The Mini Submarine is controlled by a 40 MHz 3-channel remote control which also acts as a charging station. High-quality AA batteries are included for the transmitter. Two blue LEDs shine brightly when the submarine is operating, making it easy to see. The following drive functions can be controlled: forwards/backwards, left/right, dive and surface. Once the battery is charged, the Deep Sea Dragon has a run time of up to 6 minutes, making it perfect for use in swimming pools, baths and aquaria. Do not use in salt water!

Mini Submarine, remote control which also acts as a charging station,  transmitter batteries and manual.

Safety note:
Not for children under 14 years. The packaging has to be kept since it contains important informations. Illustration may vary from actual product in the box. CARSON reserves the rights to change, update or replace any component at any time.


- Mini display case for storage
- Drive time 6 minutes
- 3 channel remote controll 40 MHz incl. charging station

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