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FMS - AEREO Ranger EP 1220mm with Gyro Reflex V2 PNP (TIPO CESSNA 150 BIANCO/GIALLO)



Ultimo pezzo in magazzino

€ 269,90


FMS - AEREO Ranger EP 1220mm with Gyro Reflex V2 PNP (TIPO CESSNA 150 BIANCO/GIALLO)

Technical specification based on the different versions: KIT PNP RTF
Wingspan: 1220mm
Overall Length: 947mmmm
Weight: 1000g
Prop Size: 10*5
Motor Size: 3136 KV1200
Speed Control: 20A Brushless ESC
Servo 4*9g
Recommended Battery: LI-PO 11,1V,1300mAh 25C
Charger: 3S LiPo balancing charger
Radio: 2.4Ghz 4-Channels
Ailerons: Yes
Flaps: No
Retracts: Yes
Minimum Age Recommendation: 14 years
Experience Level: Beginer ~ Expert
Recommended Environment: Outdoor
Assembly Time: Less than half hour
Is Assembly Required: Yes
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